MAREL Electronics SA along with the most optimum Satellite VSAT provider for the maritime sector, Telenor Satellite and XipLink (the leaders on WAN to WAN optimisation) have joined forces and created the most sophisticated WAN optimizer solution for best performances onboard.
XipLink™ supports SCPS (Space Communications Protocols Specification) specifically targeted at accelerating satellite and wireless IP networks.
This solution is ideal for clients in the maritime mobility sector who require higher bandwidths and always-on connectivity. The largest benefit of this service is the substantially improved Quality of Experience when accessing the internet, both by the crew and passengers.
Common challenges faced by users of satellite networks:
• Many simultaneous users
• A high number of concurrent TCP sessions
• High latency
• Asymmetric connections
Advantages of adding XipLink™ to your Anker Managed Services:
• TCP acceleration (# of sessions)
• QoS shaping
• Data compression and caching
• Link balancing and bonding
• Increased throughput
• Maximum wireless performance
• Improved QoE for end users
The solution is already running on Greek Passenger Ferries connected through Marel on Telenor’s Thor7 ka band satellite.
For more information, please contact Marel’s satcom team: